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The IMPOSSIBLE ROAD is a simple yet addictive mobile game that puts you in a roller coaster seat... and it's a game about control, risk and reward

Currently, it's $2.99 at the iTunes App Store for iOS devices and $1.99 at Google Play for Android devices.
David's Conclusion
- Simple and mindless game for any ages
- Roller coaster and free fall off the track feels real
- Challenging and addictive
- $2.99 for iOS devices seems a bit high
- $1.99 for Android devices is slightly better priced but still high in my opinion
My Wishlist
- $0.99 seems like better price for this game or even free with ad option.
Full Disclosure & Final Thoughts
- I got this game for free, thanks to Daily App Advice for letting me know when this game was free during special promotion.
- Whenever I just want to kill time without using any brain cells, this is one of the games I turn to.
Overall Rating 
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