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ZZZYM 3 Pcs Inspirational Lion Pictures Wall Decor

Reviewed by David • January 21, 2022
Photos taken by me: click on the thumbnails to view the photos

perfect to remind our kids about their New Year's resolutions

We made our kids write down their New Year's resolutions this year and stick it to their wall above the desks so they can remember every day. This wall decor posters were perfect for our family room so they can be reminded about their attitude and what they need to do in order to achieve their goals and New Year's resolution.

It came shrink wrapped to prevent any water damage and while it doesn't have any hanging hook on the back, it came with 12 double sided sticky gels that can be used to hang them on the wall. The poster is very lightweight so I was able to hang them using just 2 double sided gels on each poster.

Looks great and we recently saw Lion King Broadway show and loved it so this is just perfect for our kids in so many ways. Highly recommend it.

Check price and specs at Amazon  
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The review photos and content are of my own and I have written a similar review, if not identical, for Amazon on January 8, 2022 for this product.
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