Slim Can Cooler by GNAWRISHING
Photos taken by me:
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LOVE at first sight! A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. design and value
Our swimming pool club allows bringing in adult beverages as long as it's not a glass bottle or open container.
My wife and I always bring Truly or White Claws and enjoy them under the shade while kids are swimming.
We always had to hide behind umbrella and chairs to drink because we didn't want to drink out of a cup so we decided to buy a sleeve to cover the can, so we can truly (PUN intended) relax and enjoy our beverages.

When we were shopping for the sleeves, we didn't realize there were so many choices with wide price ranges. We just wanted the cheapest sleeves since we just wanted to cover our drinks.
When I found this sleeves, we knew this was the right one for us.
[+] Very colorful and cute designs. We love the prints!
[+] Can't beat the price for 8 sleeves. We just needed 2 sleeves but at this price point, we don't mind getting 8.
[+] All 8 have different prints, which is nice so I can easily tell my drink from my wife's or others.
[+] Stitching is well done and not eye sore.
[+] Fits Truly perfectly (and I'm sure it will fit White Claws since they are the same size)
[+] It's very easy and quick to put them on and to take off.
[+] Keeps the drink cold longer, while keeping your hand dry from condensation on the can.
[+] Fast delivery. I think we got this delivered in next day!
[-] Nothing what so ever.
10 out of 5 stars. I highly recommend these sleeves! You can't go wrong with it at this price.
We received this yesterday and felt in love with it at first sight! We went to the pool late afternoon yesterday and brought these to use it, and we are very happy with them!
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The review photos and content are of my own and I have written a similar review, if not identical, for Amazon on July 8, 2020 for this product.
The review photos and content are of my own and I have written a similar review, if not identical, for Amazon on July 8, 2020 for this product.