Rosxfed LED Reflective Running Vest High Visibility Safety Reflector Gear
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great for running whether it's day or night
My son is in High School track team so he runs every day after school as team practice. His coach makes them wear reflective vest when they are running on the road so that cars can see them easily whether it's during the day or night.

He also runs by himself during the weekend even when there's no school practice and he sometimes run at night, which I'm little concerned about. This reflective vest with LED light was perfect for my son for safety reason. Not only it's reflective with light but it has a LED wand in both front and back that can be turned on by pressing a button. It has few different mode option to make the LED light blink or steady, which is a nice option to have. It also came with a USB charger cable that can charge both wands at the same time. The wands can be easily removed from the vest.

Highly recommend this if you need to run at night or work in the dark or on the road with high traffic so that others and especially cars can easily spot you for your safety! Very lightweight so you don't even realize that you are wearing it. Bravo!

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The review photos and content are of my own and I have written a similar review, if not identical, for Amazon on January 10, 2022 for this product.
The review photos and content are of my own and I have written a similar review, if not identical, for Amazon on January 10, 2022 for this product.