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👍 David's Choice

LEEPEE Bluetooth 5.0 Tire Pressure Monitoring System

Reviewed by David • June 23, 2021
Photos taken by me: click on the thumbnails to view the photos

awesome TPMS with smartphone app + TIP

My Mazda 3 has Tire Pressure Monitoring System but I noticed that it does not show the warning even if the air is lower than ideal unless it's very low or flat. This made me constantly check for air pressure on my tires even when the car did not show the warning. This Bluetooth TPMS was perfect solution for me since I always have my iPhone with me and I can just open the app after starting my car once in a while to check the current tire pressure and it allows me to know exact PSI for each of the tires as well as the temperature.

It literally takes a minute to install this once you download and install the free app on your phone. It came with a QR code that the installed app can scan and it will automatically pair all 4 sensors at once.
If the tire pressure is low, the app will display the tire in red visually and it will sound alert and speak in human voice that the tire pressure is low. Very cool app!

** TIP **

The most difficult part of installing these sensors were figuring out which sensor goes which tire but it turns out this was also very simple. If you hold the sensor so you can read TPMS on top from left to right, you will see that there's an arrow on the corner. This arrow basically tells you which tire this sensor is intended for. For example, if the arrow is pointing upper right, then the sensor is for the Front Left tire and so on.

I now love checking the app whenever I start my car and it's so convenient that I can know the exact pressure for all 4 tires at a glace from the app. The battery on each sensor suppose to last 3 to 5 years.

Easily 5 out of 5 stars. Highly recommend this Bluetooth Tire Pressure Monitoring System!

Check price and specs at Amazon  
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The review photos and content are of my own and I have written a similar review, if not identical, for Amazon on June 21, 2021 for this product.
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