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Kohler GP83064 Toilet Flapper 2 inch

Reviewed by David • February 22, 2021
Photos taken by me: click on the thumbnails to view the photos

thank you Amazon and Google!

I have a Kohler toilet in my master bathroom that I inherited from the previous home owner when I bought my house 15 years ago and the water started to run very slowly non-stop. I decided to replace the flapper but thanks to Kohler being the expensive and proprietary brand that ignores all bathroom standards, I could not find any toilet flapper that fits mine 😤 I actually purchased 5 different flappers from local hardware stores but none of them fit as Kohler's flapper was much wider. 😣

I had no idea what my Kohler toilet model was but I was able to find a serial number inside the toilet tank and when I googled it, I was able to find out that mine was Kohler Rosarios one-piece toilet!

I then searched for this model in Amazon and was able to find this flapper. Bingo!
I also noticed that the price difference between the flush valve kit and just this flapper was minimal so I decided to buy both so I can first try to replace the entire flush valve kit as my toilet is probably 20 years old so who knows what else might go wear and tear soon...

The flush valve replacement turned out to be much bigger project than I had imagined so I was glad I got this flapper as well because it fit perfectly and it literally took me 5 minutes to replace the flapper... and it stopped the leak!

10 out of 5 stars! Apparently this flapper fits with many other Kohler toilet models shown on the back of the packaging (see picture). What a life saver 😆

According to the back of the package, this 2 inch Kohler flapper will fit the following older one-piece Kohler toilet models:
  • Kohler Pillow Talk 3378
  • Kohler San Raphael 3395, 3397
  • Kohler Cabernet 3401, 3408
  • Kohler Rialto 3402
  • Kohler Rochelle 3385
  • Kohler Palarre 3383
  • Kohler San Miguel 3406
  • Kohler Rosario 3434
  • Kohler San Martine 3435, 14289, 14290, 14291
Hope this review article will help other people with older one-piece Kohler toilet! If it did, please drop me a message

Check price and specs at Amazon  
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The review photos and content are of my own and I have written a similar review, if not identical, for Amazon on February 20, 2021 for this product.
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