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Calf Stretcher Slant Board

Reviewed by David • October 3, 2022
Photos taken by me: click on the thumbnails to view the photos

you can feel your calves being stretched out... feels amazing

We have a home gym down stairs in the basement and my son and I started weight lifting and strength training. My son is also a runner so he does many leg workouts such as squats and lunges, which I hate doing because leg exercise is much more difficult and painful than upper body or arms. I got this slant board to prevent leg injuries so he can stretch his calves before and after working out.

It's solid wood material and has 5 slope adjustments that can be changed easily and quickly.
You simply step on it to stand and you can immediately feel your calves being stretched! It actually feels amazing because there aren't that many ways to stretch your calves but this sure does.
Even at the most steep slope, you can stand on it with shoes on due to non-slip material on top and the openings on both sides for easy grab to move is a nice touch. I do highly recommend this for runners or anyone doing heavy leg workouts to stretch calves in order to prevent injuries. This also turned out to be awesome product for stretching my calves before playing volleyball!

Check price and specs at Amazon  
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The review photos and content are of my own and I have written a similar review, if not identical, for Amazon on July 14, 2022 for this product.
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