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👍 David's Choice

Boot Dryer Electric Shoe Dryer And Deodorizer With Timer

Reviewed by David • November 18, 2022
Photos taken by me: click on the thumbnails to view the photos

perfect for my son who does cross country every day

My son joined the cross country team in High School so he has to run every day after school even if it's raining outside. They run the trails and roads every day and by the time he comes home, he's shoes are all wet and smelly from sweating, especially if he ran while raining. Since he needs to run every day during school days, his shoes need to be dried over night so put his shoes in the boiler room over night, which is the warmest room in the house but we also got this boot dryer to help dry quicker, not to mention deodorize them.

Please note that these are not rechargeable but rather need to be plugged into USB port but it also came with wall adapter with USB port so we plugged into wall outlet inside the boiler room and it works wonderfully. It has different timers and it automatically shuts off after the selected time period is over. It's been a great addition for my son and I'm not sure how we would have dried his shoes every night, not to mention bear the odor from all the sweating inside his shoes. Highly recommend it!

Check price and specs at Amazon  
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The review photos and content are of my own and I have written a similar review, if not identical, for Amazon on October 2, 2022 for this product.
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