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ARINA USB Lighter With Triple Safety

Reviewed by David • March 8, 2021
Photos taken by me: click on the thumbnails to view the photos

great invention. a MUST-HAVE at home!

I didn't realize you can actually ignite fire using rechargeable battery charged by USB port.

This is such a brilliant product that everyone should have in their household.
I no longer have to buy butane lighters just to light some birthday candles few times a time.

This is not only more safe but it's actually much easier and quicker to light any candle with accuracy.
I also love the added triple safety feature, which is nice to have around kids.

5 out of 5 stars. Highly recommend this brilliant product!

Check price and specs at Amazon  
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The review photos and content are of my own and I have written a similar review, if not identical, for Amazon on February 3, 2021 for this product.
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