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TeckNet Classic 2.4G Portable Optical Wireless Mouse with USB Nano Receiver

Reviewed by David • January 28, 2019
Photos taken by me: click on the thumbnails to view the photos

This product review is for Classic 2.4G Portable Optical Wireless Mouse with USB Nano Receiver for PC by TeckNet.

I bought 2 of these back in October 2014 and it looks like they updated the model a bit.
One major difference I see is that my older model only takes 1 AA battery but the current model requires 2 AA batteries.

This is very inexpensive mouse that can take the beating and you even forget that this thing runs on a battery because I don't remember the last time I had to replace the battery. I only remember replacing the battery once after I purchased this!

The main reason why this mouse has super long battery life is because it quickly goes to sleep when it's not in use.
It feels like it goes to sleep within couple of minutes of inactivity, which can be annoying at times since there are times you wonder why the cursor is not moving when you are moving your mouse. If this happens, it means your mouse is sleeping and you must click on the button to wake them up!

I don't mind this feature so much since this is the same reason why I forget that this thing is running on a battery.
I use this mouse on a desktop that I rarely use (since I have few laptops that I use more often) so I don't have to worry about replacing the battery often. Even though it has on/off switch on the bottom, I never turn it off due to its sleep feature.

It's also very comfortable in your hand due to the contour shape and I prefer the USB receiver since my desktop doesn't have bluetooth but even if it had a bluetooth, I prefer 2.4GHz wireless connection via USB dongle since it provides more reliable connection than bluetooth.

Highly recommended for its price.

David's Conclusion


  • Price
  • Super long battery life on just 1 AA
  • Nano USB dongle


  • It does feel a bit cheap plastic compared to more expensive Logitech mouse

My Wishlist

  • None

Alternative Products

Full Disclosure & Final Thoughts

I use this for my desktop computer, which I seldom so I don't have to worry about replacing the battery

Check price and specs at Amazon  
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The review photos and content are of my own and I have written a similar review, if not identical, for Amazon on June 22, 2019 for this product.
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