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👍 David's Choice

Altec Lansing HydraMini Wireless Bluetooth Speaker

Reviewed by David • August 20, 2021
Photos taken by me: click on the thumbnails to view the photos

yes, the size does matter... but NOT in this case!

I love Altec Lansing speakers... they consistently make high quality speakers that wows the people who hear them and this one is no exception.

I could not believe how small it was when I got it but again, I wasn't surprised when I heard the sound through Bluetooth connectivity from my iPhone. Just wow...

It's so small and lightweight that you can hang this on any backpack or inside a tent during camping/beach trip. It has cool RGB LED light with different mode that can change based on the music you are playing, which is cool at night.

It's waterproof so you can take this with you to your pool party or the beach and you won't be compromising on the sound quality. Just love it. Highly recommend it!

Check price and specs at Amazon  
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The review photos and content are of my own and I have written a similar review, if not identical, for Amazon on August 18, 2021 for this product.
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