Reviews that could not be posted to Amazon? WTF

I spend count-less hours each week writing reviews and my experience with stuff that I purchased from Amazon to help other people make informed buying decisions.
I also take many photos and even record videos, which requires additional time for photo and video editing.
Recently, my reviews have been getting rejected by Amazon because apparently it does not adhere to the Amazon Community Guidelines but I just can't figure out what was not adhered.
It's very upsetting that I'm spending so much time writing about my experience and opinion, only to find out that it was rejected without a clear reason I can't seem to find.
I sent an email to on 8/7/2020 with 3 reviews that were rejected by Amazon and I asked them to provide explanation why they were not accepted but I still haven't heard back from them. Not even auto confirmation that they have received my email.
I'm almost certain that Amazon's AI program that scans the submitted review has some serious bug that is causing the frequent review rejection. They really need to tune it up...
Going forward, I'm going to post the review contents that were rejected by Amazon on this website so may be someone else can point out what I'm doing that's not adhering to their community policy.
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