Hello World!
Hello World and all you savage shoppers!
Just wanted to write my first blog post by saying
I'm so excited that this website will be finally open soon because I have been thinking about it and designing it for years... as I registered this domain back in 2010 I'm not sure why it took so long to get started on building this website but when I finally got started, it took me less than a month to build this website from ground up, just because I've been thinking about and visualizing this website in my head for years now
I am very happy to let you know that this website is fully responsive, which means it will look great both on your computers as well as on your smart phones
Once the website opens, I will try to post at least one product review per week but I can't promise that for sure.
One thing that I can promise is that I will be 100% honest, open, and transparent on all of my reviews and opinions for all products
I'm very much looking forward to sharing my point of views on various products and services. Even if only 1 person finds my review helpful then I have accomplished what I set out to do.
I welcome any feedback you might have and feel free to start any discussion or leave comments.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The ads and affiliate links are there so that I might collect tiny commission at no cost to you if you decide to purchase those products using my links so it can help towards paying for this website hosting. THANK YOU for your support!